Anonymous. Personal Interview. 1 Apr 2010.
This interview was with a marketing manager who works for a local nursing home. She knows quite a bit about the facility she works at. She was able to give some information about potential job openings where she worked. I chose to keep the source anonymous because I am planning on looking for a job where she works and don’t want to encourage others to fill up a position I may need.
Buerhaus, Peter I. “The Shape of the Recovery: Economic Implications for the Nursing Workforce”, Nursing Economic$; 27.5(Sep/Oct2009): 336-338). EBSCO. Web. 8 Apr 2010
This article I found in the EBSCO database. It talks about the economic changes that have taken place and how they have affected the nursing job market. The article appears to be reliable because it does cite its references. I was also able to find similar information in another database that agreed with the points made in this article. I plan on using some of the statistics from this article to illustrate how the nursing job market has changed.
Edwards, R.. "Economic Recovery, Health Reform May Spur New Hirings. " Hospitals & Health Networks 83.12 (2009): 11-12. Research Library Core, ProQuest. Web. 20 Apr. 2010.
I found this article in the ProQuest article database. It talks about how many hospitals are taking steps to cut back while avoiding layoffs. The information I found hear went well to verify the accuracy of my interview with Vicky. They also cite works they used. It also agreed with the information I found in the other database article. I plan on using some of the extra details about hospital cutbacks in my essay. They also have an image “Job Openings” I will probably post to my live blog essay.
Jones, Vicky. Personal Interview. 12 Apr 2010.
This interview was done over email. That was a great way to complete the interview. It allowed her the time to answer each of the questions in great detail. She is an R.N. working for YRMC. She has personally been affected by the changes at the hospital. With this insight her interview will be very helpful. Also I will be raising her grand kids so my success in finding work means a lot to her. The advice she gave on finding a job as a nurse will prove very valuable both in the essay and in life.
"Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses." Occupational Outlook Handbook. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010-2011 Edition. Web. 5 Apr 2010. <>.
"Nursing and Psychiatric Aides." Occupational Outlook Handbook. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010-2011 Edition. Web. 5 Apr 2010. <>.
"Registered Nurses." Occupational Outlook Handbook. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010-2011 Edition. Web. 5 Apr 2010. <>.
This website is an excellent source of information. It discusses the many different specializations in the nursing field and what their job would entail. I plan on using it to cover each of the types of nursing I am researching. It seems very reliable because it is from a government agency and it cites its references.
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